As flexible as they are reliable: suction roll sealing strips made of FlexGuard for the paper industry

The principle of paper making

It’s fascinating: the principle of papermaking has hardly changed in two millennia – fibers are floated in water, then the mass is dewatered, with the fibers forming a cohesive web. The machines used for this process today often feature more complex technology than – let’s just say – a jumbo jet. They have to. After all, the turbines, which can be up to 400 meters long and 12 meters wide, run around the clock almost all year round. And with running speeds of up to 2,000 meters per minute.

The importance of reliability in the paper industry

Quite different dimensions that the former handmade paper has thus taken on. With this capacity utilization, it is clear that breakdowns and long downtimes are an absolute no-go in paper production. Every single component must guarantee the safety of production – also around the clock, if possible 365 days a year. There is hardly any component that is more important in the paper industry than the suction roll – and thus also the sealing strips for suction rolls installed in it. This is because they are designed to prevent the resulting vacuum from escaping.

The ultimate solution from Wefapress®: sealing strips made of FlexGuard

One major product advantage is already revealed by the name – they are extremely flexible compared to graphite strips used in the past. Flexibility here means that the risk of breakage is reduced to almost zero with this material. But the FlexGuard sealing strips also live up to their name during transport and installation: They can be supplied in lengths of up to 12 meters – practically rolled up in a small box. This simplifies handling and storage. And thus, of course, also the route from the warehouse to the paper machine when a sealing strip needs to be replaced.

The advantages of FlexGuard sealing strips

FlexGuard sealing strips adapt to even a worn roll shell within a very short time after installation, thus ensuring immediate sealing of the suction chamber without a long run-in period. In the event of a water lubrication failure, FlexGuard sealing strips are characterized by excellent emergency running properties due to their high graphite content. Frictional heat generated on one side is quickly transferred into the material, preventing last bending and uneven wear. Uniform sealing allows the bars to be driven with very low contact pressure against the suction roll shell. This increases the service life of the sealing strips and at the same time reduces the drive power required.

FlexGuard – optimal for machine paper production

FlexGuard can be used for sealing in all suction rolls – whether in pulp, board, tissue or paper machines and regardless of the roll shell material. Just talk to us!

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