There is no manual for such an event

Seen it yet? In the issue 10 / 2021 of K-PROFI a 6-page interview about Wefapress® and the unexpected incident on 03 July 21 at our plant in Vreden was published. The article has just been published also in the international edition 04 / 2021.

Review of the incident

A brief look back: Saturday, July 3, 2021, morning at 4:20 a.m.: An electrical defect triggers a major fire. As far as is known. We have also reported transparently on the consequences and how everyone involved has dealt with these events since then. In a personal interview with Dipl.-Ing. Markus Lüling, Editor-in-Chief of K-PROFI, we review some of the events and talk specifically about which decisions from the past are now paying off for our company and its 135 employees, what we have learned since then, and how we envision the future of the company.

➔ Click here to go directly to the full interview starting on page 22.
➔ Click here for the international edition 04 / 2021 starting on page 28.

You can also find more on the Wefapress® story on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

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