Wefapress® enables AZUBI excursion into the food industry!

The apprentices of Wefapress® and our subsidiary plast-R-us started their AZUBI excursion with excitement. Because this time the journey took them to the world of the food industry to a confectionery manufacturer who also uses individual plastic parts “made by Wefapress®” in the manufacture of its products. The company opened its doors exclusively for our trainees – a real exception! They were accompanied by their trainers and this time also by Markus Voß, the sales manager for engineering plastics at Wefapress®.

Insights into practice

We attach great importance to enabling our trainees to see a production plant from the inside. This is because they should get an impression of where the individual plastic parts they are involved in manufacturing every day are used in industry.

Enthusiastic return

Everyone returned very enthusiastic about the joint trainee excursion. We thank you very much for this extraordinary opportunity and the warm welcome. This was a special day for the trainees of Wefapress® and plast-R-us!

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