Wefapress® one year after the fire – from the development of a new structure

Have you heard? Sunday, July 03, 2022, marks the first anniversary of the major fire at Wefapress®. An anniversary? Not really! But hold on: we are still here! We are rethinking and rebuilding everything. We continue to experience great support. We have the greatest team in the world! So something to celebrate after all? At least to value!

From togetherness under the sign of reconstruction

We value our employees, who impress us every day with how carefully they treat each other. How they also treat management with great respect, assess situations attentively, and are willing to temporarily put a concern on hold if in doubt. Or the optimism and entrepreneurial spirit that is always present and palpable.

As a 4th generation family business, we know that rebuilding on this scale after such an event is no walk in the park – for anyone. One year later, it’s still a huge challenge for all of us to get everything under one hat. Each role has an ultimate meaning, each individual is in demand. At the same time, no one should miss out. Our task is to remain in balance within the realignment.

A new image of the future for Wefapress®.

We certainly celebrate any visible progress in the process of building our company. Consistently implement the phases of our corporate strategy and work with motivation and confidence on a new image of the future for our family business. This is our opportunity to optimize processes, develop new products, and reformulate the idea of service both internally and externally. Together, we continue to develop our corporate culture.

The development of the new structure – a real test of patience

It requires patience, but it is all doable! Even though there are many points that we are convinced could be much more feasible. Soon we will be standing in front of a state-of-the-art Wefapress®. To remind us of what we have rebuilt together and with our combined efforts, a permanently installed camera records every step of progress. We invite everyone to join us on our journey.

“Never give up on what’s important to you just because it’s not easy.”

Albert Einstein
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